

Welcome! I’m Jessica, and you’ve landed in my cozy corner of the internet.

I wear many hats, proudly embracing the roles of a solo mom to a wonderful little boy, a homemaker, a green-thumbed gardener, a future homesteader, a dedicated homeschooler, an occasional traveler, and a content creator.

Life has taken me on quite the journey. I’ve always been brimming with creativity, enjoying everything from designing and cooking to baking and DIY projects. However, as adulthood beckoned, I found myself on a path toward what some might call a “real” career. I pursued a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and ventured into the healthcare field. But here’s the twist: my so-called “real” career left me yearning for something more fulfilling. Just when I thought life couldn’t surprise me more, I discovered I was going to be a mom, and that I would be raising my son on my own. The long hours of the 9-to-5 world didn’t quite align with my newfound motherhood calling. I cherished helping people, but my heart truly belonged to my son. So, I made a bold choice to put my little family first, setting my career aside and diving headfirst into my creativity.

This shift has been an incredible adventure. Instead of sacrificing quality time with my son for the sake of a conventional job, this blog has become my lifeline. It allows me to provide for my son while he sleeps, ensuring that I’m fully present when he’s awake. I’m incredibly grateful for this outlet, as it not only fuels my creativity but also supports my little family. What truly matters now is cherishing those precious moments with my loved ones.

As you browse through my site, you’ll find a little something for everyone. Whether you’re a trendsetter, a style enthusiast, a dedicated mother, a homemaker seeking inspiration, a homeschooling pro, a fellow traveler, a tech aficionado, a pet lover, or somewhere in between, you’ll discover a piece of your world here. I’m genuinely thrilled that you’ve taken the time to join us in this space.

Please, make yourself at home, explore the blog, pay a visit to the shop, don’t forget to subscribe, and connect with me on social media.

Welcome to our community.